Leveling the Playing Field for Victims of Government Actors

Members of the public trust the government to serve their best interests. This trust is broken when police officers, members of the government, or public entities commit sexual assault, physical assault, or other violations of civil rights.

At Sanford Heisler Sharp McKnight, we represent people harmed by members of public entities. These can include:

  • The police
  • State government officials
  • Federal government officers
  • The military
  • Social services
  • Public school districts
  • Prisons

The experienced attorneys at Sanford Heisler Sharp McKnight work in a trauma-informed manner and can help clients understand and pursue their rights against government entities.

Our Work

While some of our cases result in litigation, many of our cases settle through confidential processes. Our public cases include:

Get Legal Help To Take on Government Entities

To learn more about pursuing civil litigation, please get in touch with us at one of our law offices. You can call 646-512-8609, send us an email, or use our online contact form.

Sexual Violence, Title IX, and Victims’ Rights

Client Testimonials

Recognized as Law Firm of the Year