
Gender Discrimination

Recent Changes to NDAs in Employment Contracts and Settlement Agreements

For years, companies have used non-disclosure agreements (“NDAs”) and non-disparagement agreements in employment contracts and settlement agreements. These provisions primarily allow companies to protect sensitive business information, but can also be used to prevent workers from speaking about harassment and discrimination in the workplace. While some victims of workplace discrimination enjoy the assurance of privacy that comes with an NDA,…

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Protections Against Discrimination for Nonbinary Employees

Today (July 14) is International Nonbinary People’s Day.  According to a June 2021 study conducted by the Williams Institute, 1.2 million adults in the United States identify as non-binary.[1] “Nonbinary” is an identity embraced by people who do not identify exclusively as men or women.[2]  A nonbinary individual may identify as both a man and woman, somewhere in between, or as…

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New York Judicial Committee Issues Report and Recommendations on Gender Equity in State Court

In November 2020, the New York State Judicial Committee on Women in the Courts released its 2020 Gender Survey, detailing the treatment of women attorneys, litigants, and court employees in the state court system. While the study found that the treatment of women has improved markedly in the last few decades, it also found that significant gender bias continues to persist…

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Final Order Granted in $4 Million Settlement for Plaintiffs in Forest Labs Gender Discrimination Class Action

On June 29, 2018, secured final approval of a $4 million class settlement reached in April 2017 for female sales force members of Forest Laboratories and Forest Pharmaceuticals (“Forest”). Judge Ronnie Abrams’ order in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York was the capstone of six years of litigation in Barrett et al v. Forest Laboratories, Inc., et…

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