Photo of Charles Field

Charles Field

San Diego Managing Partner

Charles Field is Managing Partner of the San Diego office of Sanford Heisler Sharp McKnight and Co-Chair of the firm’s Financial Mismanagement and ERISA Litigation Practice Group. 

Since joining Sanford Heisler Sharp McKnight, Charles has been recognized in the legal community as a Super Lawyers-San Diego Honoree (2023), National Law Journal Employment Trailblazer (2021), and was part of the Lawdragon 500 Leading Plaintiff Employment Lawyer list (2021).

Charles has been co-lead and interim co-lead counsel in numerous ERISA class action cases, including Snyder v. UnitedHealth Group; Mattson, et al. v. Milliman; Brown-Davis, et al. v. Walgreen Co.; In re GE ERISA Litigation; Karg v. Transamerica; and Daly v. West Monroe Partners.

At Sanford Heisler Sharp McKnight, Charles’s representations have included:

  • Litigating against several Fortune 500 companies for claims of mismanaging their employees’ 401(k) retirement plans, resulting in multi-million-dollar settlements in:
    • In re: GE ERISA Litigation ($61 million)
    • Brown-Davis, et al. v. Walgreen Co. ($13.75 million)
    • Karg v. Transamerica ($5.4 million)
    • Price v. Eaton Vance Corp. ($3.45 million)
  • Representing elderly and high-net worth individuals in their claims of financial abuse and fraud against investment firms, promoters and brokers, including winning a $2.1 million award for an investor against Madison Avenue Securities

Charles received his law degree from McGeorge Law School, a degree in European Legal Studies from The University of Edinburgh and The University of Salzburg, and his undergraduate degree from Indiana University-Indianapolis.

A member of the California bar, Charles has been interviewed by CNBC’s “Closing Bell,” The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, Law360, and several trade publications dealing with ERISA and investment issues.

Prior to joining Sanford Heisler Sharp McKnight, Charles served as the general counsel of an institutional money management firm that furnished investment management services to ERISA retirement plans, cities and towns, endowments, and investment companies. During his 17-year tenure, he oversaw compliance with ERISA, as well as federal and state securities laws, including the federal fiduciary duty standards embodied in the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. He served on the firm’s various investment and investment performance committees, and securities valuation committees, as well as on the boards of directors of various investment funds that invested billions of dollars in the global securities markets. As an investments industry lawyer, Charles constructed hundreds of investment funds that are the very type at issue in the cases Sanford Heisler Sharp McKnight litigates and was responsible for overseeing the funds’ compliance with U.S. securities laws and, in some cases, the law of the jurisdiction of organization (e.g. Mauritius, Ireland, Cayman Islands).

When not lawyering, Charles enjoys traveling and living an active life in sunny San Diego.


  • J.D., McGeorge Law School
  • B.A., Indiana University-Indianapolis
  • European Legal Studies, The University of Edinburgh and The University of Salzburg


  • California, 1997

I Was a Plaintiff in a Very Large Class Action

Charles Field and team were my legal representation. I must say Charles was wonderful. He talked to me in a normal way. If lawyer speak was required, he would explain everything in terms that a normal person could understand. He was always positive about the case, even when there were setbacks. He was always kind, patient and compassionate to my situation. I consider him a friend more so than my legal representative. It has been a real pleasure getting to know him and his team. — Jeff Janak

I Consider Him a Friend More So than My Legal Representative

“I was a plaintiff in a very large class action. Charles Field and team were my legal representation. I must say Charles was wonderful. He talked to me in a normal way. If lawyer speak was required, he would explain everything in terms that a normal person could understand.  He was always positive about the case, even when there were setbacks. He was always kind, patient and compassionate to my situation. I consider him a friend more so than my legal representative. It has been a real pleasure getting to know him and his team.” — Jeff Janak

Highly Effective Representation in Advancing Financial Mismanagement Litigation

I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation [for] Charles Field’s highly effective representation in advancing the financial mismanagement litigation that I sought to undertake last summer. At that time I wrote an essay to your firm, describing my retirement fund manager’s chronic underperformance vs. market benchmarks, which then culminated in an abominable series of executive decisions surrounding the 2020 COVID Crash.

I felt that I had been exploited for their management fees, and taken advantage of as a result of their negligence. By the summer, I decided I had nothing to lose by submitting the information to Sanford Heisler for review. I am grateful that it soon made its way across the country to Mr. Field. From our earliest discussions, I could tell that Charles Field understood the gravity of the mistreatment I suffered, and that he was empathetic towards my plight. I got the sense that Mr. Field would leave no stone unturned in getting to the bottom of the case.

Charles Field’s analysis of the materials I submitted showed me that is exactly what he did. Sanford Heisler Sharp McKnight drilled down on everything and identified several unethical practices, such as investing in vehicles that featured poor performance records, yet maximized management fees. In calling out the unscrupulous behaviors and general incompetence, Mr. Field cited FINRA and finance industry standards. When I read his final brief, I knew that my interests had received the best advocacy possible.

Going forward, I feel confident that Mr. Field and the Sanford Heisler Sharp McKnight team have given me the best shot at a successful result in litigation.
— Thomas G. Bering, MD

Efficiency and Teamwork

Charles Field and Sanford Heisler have been excellent partners as our business has grown. They understand our firm and have helped us navigate the legal landscape in our industry. Charles is particularly responsive when we need him and is willing to bring in other resources to address our issues. Because of their efficiency and teamwork, we feel Sanford Heisler offers great value and service.
— Horacio Valeiras, CEO, Frontier Global Partners, LLC

Thoroughly Impressed

Mr. Charles Field, Esquire was very professional, courteous and polite in helping me research an equities matter. He contacted me timely with the results of an equity public filing review, and I was thoroughly impressed by everyone I interacted with at Sanford Heisler Sharp McKnight.
— Canning Kraft

They Were All Friendly, Knowledgeable and I Always Felt Like They Had My Back

Working with this firm was a very positive experience for me, personally. Particularly, the support from Katie, Shaun and Charles from the first filing thru depositions to settlement. If I had any questions they were answered promptly. They were all friendly, knowledgeable and I always felt like they had my back. Highly recommended.
— Former Client

Twitter Severance Plan Class Action

On July 12, 2023, Sanford Heisler Sharp McKnight filed a class action lawsuit against Twitter and Elon Musk for failing to provide promised severance benefits owed to terminated employees, and for failing to communicate accurately and truthfully with employees about the severance plan benefits, in violation of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

UnitedHealth Certified ERISA Class Action

This class action accuses the fiduciaries of UnitedHealth’s 401(k) plan of violating their fiduciary duties under ERISA by keeping one of the worst-performing target date investment options in the entire market, the Wells Fargo Target Fund Suite, as the plan’s default investment for over a decade.

Milliman Class Action

The Amended Complaint alleges that Milliman breached the duties of loyalty and prudence that it owed to its employees under ERISA by failing to remove a family of target risk funds – funds that Milliman itself managed – despite nearly a decade of abysmal underperformance. Milliman’s failure to remove its own funds from the Plan have cost employees as much as $50 million in retirement savings.

Allstate ERISA Class Action

Sanford Heisler Sharp McKnight is currently evaluating whether Allstate mismanaged its 401(k) plan.




Walgreens ERISA Class Action

The complaint alleges Walgreens failed to remove from its employee retirement plan a suite of ten target retirement date funds that have underperformed their investment benchmarks.

Eaton Vance ERISA Breach of Fiduciary Duty Class Action – $3.45 Million Settlement

Sanford Heisler Sharp McKnight alleged the company filled its 401(k) plan with expensive, poorly performing funds that earned fees for the company but deprived employees of millions of dollars in retirement savings. 




VentureMoney Management Co. Investor Fraud

The amended complaint alleges Mark Bernier trolled a dating website, exchanging over 29,000 messages with over 3,000 women in a two-year period, to lure unsuspecting women into investing their money in his fraudulent scheme.

Transamerica ERISA Class Action

The complaint alleges the company invests employees’ retirement savings in multiple funds that consistently underperform their investment benchmarks and other similar collective investment funds.

Madison Avenue Securities LLC FINRA Arbitration – $2.1 Million Award

In the fight to protect investors from stockbroker misconduct, Sanford Heisler Sharp McKnight has obtained a $2.1 million FINRA arbitration award on behalf of a San Diego client whose investment nest egg was decimated by an imprudent, high-risk investment strategy that her stockbroker David Barber had recommended.

Home Depot ERISA Class Action

According to the complaint, Home Depot has selected multiple poorly-performing funds for its 401(k) plan, allowed investment advisers to charge its employees unreasonable fees, and turned a blind eye to a kickback scheme between an investment adviser and the plan’s recordkeeper.

General Electric ERISA Class Action

The Complaint asserts that GE and the Plan violated the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) by breaching their fiduciary duties and engaging in prohibited transactions and unlawful self-dealing detrimental to the three named plaintiffs individually and as representatives of a class.

Madison Avenue Securities FINRA Claim

The claim alleges Madison Avenue Securities turned a blind eye in allowing one of its stockbrokers who had a disciplinary history of misappropriating clients’ funds to loot hundreds of thousands of dollars from client’s account.


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