Statement on the Rise of Anti-AAPI Violence and Crimes in the U.S.

Hate crimes are a manifestation of decades of discrimination and hateful rhetoric. Institutional racism and bias against the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community have long caused harm to so many, both in this country and abroad.

The time is overdue for our legal system to recognize its essential role in combating xenophobia and racism. In the wake of a year-long surge of hatred and violence against the AAPI community, the heinous murder of eight innocent people in six of whom were women of Asian descent, reminds us of the urgency with which we must act.

While we are proud of our history fighting bias and violence each day, we recommit to speaking out against injustice everywhere, condemning racism in all its forms, and elevating the voices of those who are part of the AAPI community.

In solidarity, Sanford Heisler Sharp McKnight (Executive Committee, Asian American Litigation and Finance Practice Group, Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion Committee)

AAPI Support Resources

Mental Health Resources


  • Asian Pacific Fund COVID-19 Recovery Fund: donates directly to nonprofits serving the AAPI community.
  • Asian Mental Health Collective: nonprofit with the mission of normalizing and de-stigmatizing mental
    health within the Asian community.
  • Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA): first and only national organization of Asian American and Pacific Islander
    workers and allies advancing workers’ rights, immigrants’
    rights, and civil rights.
  • NAKASEC: nonprofit aiming to expand Korean and Asian American grassroots and voting power, develop and support a new generation of youth and immigrant leaders, and solidify as a robust and sustainable movement organization.
  • Asian American Journalists Association: nonprofit bringing together journalists and media professionals to advance
    diversity in newsrooms and ensure fair and accurate coverage of communities of color.
  • Asian American Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus: aimed at promoting, advancing, and representing legal and civil rights of Asian Pacific Islander communities.
  • Asian American Advocacy Fund: advocating for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Native Hawaiians in Georgia through a combination of policy advocacy at local, state, and federal levels.


Reporting Hate Crimes/Hate Crime Statistics

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