
Discrimination Lawsuit Filed Against Alaska Communications

On Behalf of | May 1, 2012 | News

Posted May 1st, 2012.

Written by: Tanya Gonzalez

Posted in Alaska discrimination attorney Janette Wipper, a partner at Sanford Wittels and Heisler, the firm spearheading the case. “Alaska Communications willfully continues to retain the overtime wages owed to these employees despite the Alaska Department of Labor’s unambiguous finding that Ms. Peterson was entitled to overtime pay.”

Peterson, an Anchorage resident, worked for Alaska Communications for nearly eight years. She alleges the company routinely deprived her of overtime pay by misclassifying her as an exempt employee. She claims she would work over 60 hours a week without being compensated for overtime.

After reviewing the case, the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development determined that Peterson was not an exempt employee and was entitled to unpaid overtime compensation and damages. However, the company has refused to cooperate and a jury trial has been requested.

If you have experienced any discrimination or sexual harassment at work, you are entitled to seek legal help. Contact a leading team of discrimination or workplace abuse, you may be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering. Speak to a hostile workplace attorney immediately to get started on your case.
